No. Weather Guard® Products are only available through fine industrial, contractor and truck equipment supply houses located throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Yes, your Weather Guard Truck Boxes can be keyed all the same. If you currently own boxes, you can purchase replacement lock cylinders. If you are purchasing new boxes, just ask for your boxes to be keyed alike.
Yes, you can order the replacement parts you need.
Yes. Weather Guard® has formed a partnership with Simpley Keys to enable Weather Guard customers to easily and conveniently purchase replacement keys online! Please remember, in order to purchase replacement keys you must know your key code and which type of box do you have (Saddle, Cross, Lo-Side, Hi-Side, or Pork Chop Box or All-Purpose Chest). Without a key code it may be necessary to replace the lock. One of the benefits of registering your products with us is that Weather Guard can have your key codes ready when you need them and save you the expense of replacing your locks due to lost keys.
Yes. The powder coating on Weather Guard truck tool boxes and ladder racks makes an excellent undercoating.
Probably not. Weather Guard does not custom make equipment unless there are some large (20+?) quantities involved.
No. The serial number only tells us when your box was manufactured. The model number is on a decal located on the outside of the equipment or in some cases on the inside cover of the equipment.